Size of the Baby: Onion 5.1 inches long 5.9 oz
Most Exciting Things The Past Week: I've gained a little energy back. Mainly in the morning. With this new found energy I figured it was time to start working out again. That has been on pause the past month (yikes!). I drug Tristan to a lifting class out at Nike. Well actually he drug me to the gym and I thought we should do the class (Group Power). I did the 10 minute warm-up and began to see black dots..."I'm either going to throw up or pass out". I ran to the bathroom, heart pounding. Yep, it hit me...the realization that there really are some limits right now. I had a few tears in the bathroom and returned deciding the stair machine would have to do. A lovely young lady was running late to the class and I was able to offer her my already set-up spot. I just showed her next to the grunting gentlemen in the grey (Tristan :)). Tristan has been sore for the last three days. At least someone got their booty kicked. I enjoyed watching.
Heartburn has kicked in full effect. Thank goodness for Tums is all I have to say...AND for sisters who supply you with a big bottle in prep of this moment. Speaking of sisters, I do have to say I've been very grateful for my conversations with them. Two OLDER sisters who have been through this each twice! They just giggle, but I love to share, compare, and hear their memories of when they were pregnant. So in the spirit of November, the month of being Thankful. I am so very Thankful for the two of them.
My belly has popped a bit. I received my first, "oh my gosh, Jessi are you pregnant?!" at work. Everyone else just looks down while they are talking to me. The awkward, "I'm talking and listening to you, but I think I see a bump."
My MOST exciting moment this week was the emergency shopping trip for a new bra! I needed to run an errand for work and luckily there was a Maternity store near by. I was about to throw the bra I was wearing out the window. It hasn't fit for the last month! Two wonderful ladies measured me and helped me find TWO new bras and let me wear one out of the store. Pure bliss!
How am I feeling? I feel pretty good. After dinner I feel very sleepy and stomach has been a little off. I did throw up last night which caught me off guard. Poor Tristan was near by and heard me in all my glory. I came out of the bathroom to find Tristan with his phone to his ear and music as loud as it could go. The finer moments...
Cravings: No real cravings. Just when something tastes good, it tastes REAL good! I had a veggie sandwich from Jimmy Johns and oh.my.gosh.delicious!
What I miss: Still miss a cold beer, sleeping through the night without having to wake twice to empty the bladder, and walking up stairs without feeling like someone needs to put more oxygen in the air.