
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Weeks 18 & 19

Heartbeat: 155 bpm

Size of the Baby: 10 inches long  11oz

Most Exciting Things The Past Week: We had the most exciting past couple of weeks.  Meaghan came to visit.  We hadn't seen each other in over a year.  We shopped, did nails, ate well, and had all around quality time to catch up face to face. I was able to take the week off from work which was loaded with Dr. appointments. We had the second trimester appointment with Dr. Suzuki. She listened to the heart beat and was able to feel movement from the little Pepper which I had beg unit o feel more and more.  I did a blood test for my protein levels and all was good. Next stop was the dentist.  They did a special cleaning due to being pregnant.  It was a quick in and out. My dentist asked if I wanted to know his gender prediction as he has an 80% accuracy rate.  I said sure because in two days we would get to find out! He said based on the gums he can usually tell.  If the gums are loose and bleed easily it's usually a girl due to the increase in estrogen that comes with carrying a girl, and if the gums are tight it is usually a boy.  His guess....a boy!  I was surprised as I had felt it was a girl, as did many others, but now I was convinced he was right.  We had a girl's name picked out and everyone seemed to guess girl so it kind of made since for it to be a boy.  The anticipation sank in after that appointment.
Mom and Richard came the next day. I moved our anatomy sonogram up to Friday morning so they could be there. A special moment for sure. What a cool sonogram. The technician spends more time measuring all of the body parts, organs, and bones. The hardest part of this is having a full bladder. It allows them to get a better view of the baby. I was about to pop, but the images were incredible. We could see the heart valves, brain, lungs, kidneys, and the flow of the blood. The body is truly amazing. As all four of us are mouth open taking in what she is showing us, she reveals... "And this is a little GIRL!" Instant tears came to my eyes and I poked Tristan in the cheek as he was sitting right next to me grinning from ear to ear. It put an identity to this little being we've been calling Pepper. She was so active. The tech captured some great images for us. Some of her putting the umbilical cord over her shoulder, giving us the number 1 with a tiny pointer finger, yawning, drinking, pulling her legs over her head, and more. The 3D scan created a skin like image where we could see her bone structures even more and see her characteristics. Those fingers and toes looked an awfully lot like her Dad's! Pretty fun! After the appointment we had to go shopping for her first outfit. Grammy and Papa have already spoiled her! I was going to wait and tell the rest of the family and friends at Thanksgiving when I would see them face to face, but I was way too excited, and Trish was able to get me to slip in revealing the gender.  We spent the second half of the day Face Timing the exciting news. A special weekend I won't forget! 

How am I feeling? Feel good! I do get dizzy and lightheaded easily, especially if I'm climbing a hill or stairs.  The Dr. said I have low blood pressure and this may occur more frequently. She was right! Slow and steady wins the race right now. Still get pretty sleepy in the evenings. Tristan has been amazing! He' s been getting pretty good at dishes and laundry. About the time I sit for dinner, I really just want to sprawl on the table.

Cravings: Pineapple and old fashioned Spaghetti. I still haven't quite found the right spaghetti. I guess I could try making my own :0). 

What I miss: Having the energy to workout.

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